Tuesday, December 7, 2010

07 Dec 10

Daily report

Body: Good. No undue soreness from yesterday. Lower back was a bit tight this morning.
Sleep: 7 1/2 hours
Nutrition: Solid nutrition. Protein shake and bananas for breakfast. Pork Loin and Broccoli for lunch. . Day #2 of no Coke!! Lots of water and 1 Rockstar.
Notes: Run and workout in the morning.

And now for some motivation....

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep. And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." -- Robert Frost

Monday, December 6, 2010

06 December 10

Daily report

Body: Good. Ran 4.25 miles on the treadmill in my Vibrams this morning.
Sleep: 5 hours
Nutrition: Solid nutrition. Pork Loin and Broccoli for lunch. Some tortellini for supper. No Cokes and limited myself to 1 last Rockstar today..
Notes: Legs will be sore tomorrow as they usually are after running in the Vibrams.